SilverSands Casino - Online Casino
One of the most renowned and successful online casinos in South Africa is SilverSands Online Casino. This casino has earned its reputation for offering top-notch games and providing a high-quality gaming experience to its players. With a wide selection of games and a commitment to excellence, SilverSands Online Casino has become a favorite destination for many players in the country.
Sign up Bonus |
200% up to R1,000 on Signup
- Deposit R50 or more and get a 200% bonus up to R1,000
- Minimum Deposit Amount: R50. Coupon code "SIGNUP200" . Wagering is set at 30 times the deposit and bonus received. Standard T&C apply
About SilverSands Casino
A Decade of Excellence: SilverSands Casino
Celebrating over ten years of operation, SilverSands Casino has firmly established itself as a reputable online gambling platform in South Africa.
The Foundation of SilverSands Casino
The Robust Platform: Real Time Gaming Software
Running on the esteemed Real Time Gaming software, SilverSands Casino offers a robust platform that provides a seamless gaming experience. This ensures the highest level of player satisfaction, fostering trust and loyalty.
Licensing and Legitimacy: The Kahnawake Gaming Commission
Operating with a license from the Kahnawake Gaming Commission, SilverSands Casino assures legitimacy and fair practices, ensuring the players’ peace of mind.
Game Selection at SilverSands Casino
Diversity of Games
The variety of games available at SilverSands Casino caters to a wide range of tastes and preferences. From slots to table games, there is something for everyone.
Unmatched Graphics and Payout Percentages
The graphics are impressively detailed, creating an immersive gaming experience that rivals traditional brick-and-mortar casinos. Plus, the favorable payout percentages can turn any game into a potentially profitable venture.
Commitment to Responsible Gambling
Promoting Responsible Gambling Practices
SilverSands Casino takes responsible gambling seriously, promoting healthy gambling habits among its players.
Safety Measures in Place
Furthermore, they’ve implemented safety measures and resources to prevent gambling-related problems, proving their commitment to their customers’ well-being.
Exciting Bonuses and Promotions
Welcome and No Deposit Bonuses
Offering enticing bonuses to both new and existing players, SilverSands Casino enhances the gaming experience. New players can take advantage of the No Deposit Bonus to test out games without risking their own money.
Recurring Deals and Offers
Additionally, daily, weekly, and Facebook promotions are frequently added, rewarding patron loyalty and engagement.
Exceptional Customer Support at SilverSands Casino
Skilled and Efficient Support Staff
The support staff at SilverSands Casino is committed to providing players the help they need to fully enjoy their gaming time. With experience and expertise, they can address any queries or issues related to accounts, games, or site activities.
Round-the-Clock Live Chat Feature
The live chat feature is available 24/7, ensuring help is always at hand when needed.
With a decade of operation under its belt, SilverSands Casino’s reputation as a trusted online gambling platform in South Africa is well deserved. With a focus on delivering an immersive gaming experience, promoting responsible gambling, offering enticing bonuses, and providing exceptional customer support, it continues to delight and engage players.
1. What software does SilverSands Casino use?
SilverSands Casino runs on the esteemed Real Time Gaming software.
2. What types of games can I play at SilverSands Casino?
SilverSands Casino offers a diverse range of games, from slots to table games.
3. Does SilverSands Casino have a license?
Yes, SilverSands Casino operates with a license from the Kahnawake Gaming Commission.
4. What kind of bonuses does SilverSands Casino offer?
SilverSands Casino offers various bonuses, including Welcome and No Deposit Bonuses, and recurring deals and offers.
5. How can I contact SilverSands Casino’s support?
You can reach SilverSands Casino’s support team via their 24/7 live chat feature.
Award-Winning Casino
A Decade of Excellence: SilverSands Casino
Celebrating over ten years of operation, SilverSands Casino has firmly established itself as a reputable online gambling platform in South Africa.
The Foundation of SilverSands Casino
The Robust Platform: Real Time Gaming Software
Running on the esteemed Real Time Gaming software, SilverSands Casino offers a robust platform that provides a seamless gaming experience. This ensures the highest level of player satisfaction, fostering trust and loyalty.
Licensing and Legitimacy: The Kahnawake Gaming Commission
Operating with a license from the Kahnawake Gaming Commission, SilverSands Casino assures legitimacy and fair practices, ensuring the players’ peace of mind.
Game Selection at SilverSands Casino
Diversity of Games
The variety of games available at SilverSands Casino caters to a wide range of tastes and preferences. From slots to table games, there is something for everyone.
Unmatched Graphics and Payout Percentages
The graphics are impressively detailed, creating an immersive gaming experience that rivals traditional brick-and-mortar casinos. Plus, the favorable payout percentages can turn any game into a potentially profitable venture.
Commitment to Responsible Gambling
Promoting Responsible Gambling Practices
SilverSands Casino takes responsible gambling seriously, promoting healthy gambling habits among its players.
Safety Measures in Place
Furthermore, they’ve implemented safety measures and resources to prevent gambling-related problems, proving their commitment to their customers’ well-being.
Exciting Bonuses and Promotions
Welcome and No Deposit Bonuses
Offering enticing bonuses to both new and existing players, SilverSands Casino enhances the gaming experience. New players can take advantage of the No Deposit Bonus to test out games without risking their own money.
Recurring Deals and Offers
Additionally, daily, weekly, and Facebook promotions are frequently added, rewarding patron loyalty and engagement.
Exceptional Customer Support at SilverSands Casino
Skilled and Efficient Support Staff
The support staff at SilverSands Casino is committed to providing players the help they need to fully enjoy their gaming time. With experience and expertise, they can address any queries or issues related to accounts, games, or site activities.
Round-the-Clock Live Chat Feature
The live chat feature is available 24/7, ensuring help is always at hand when needed.
Toll-Free Customer Support
Unique to SilverSands Casino, all of the support staff are based in South Africa, which sets it apart from other online casinos. Through its 0800 toll-free number, the casino provides players with comprehensive service around-the-clock.
Versatile Payment Options at SilverSands Casino
Variety of Accepted Currencies
Catering to its diverse player base, SilverSands Casino accepts a variety of currencies, including Rands, Pounds, and Euros. This makes it convenient for players from different regions to engage in the gaming experience.
With a decade of operation under its belt, SilverSands Casino’s reputation as a trusted online gambling platform in South Africa is well deserved. With a focus on delivering an immersive gaming experience, promoting responsible gambling, offering enticing bonuses, and providing exceptional customer support, it continues to delight and engage players.
1. What software does SilverSands Casino use?
SilverSands Casino runs on the esteemed Real Time Gaming software.
2. What types of games can I play at SilverSands Casino?
SilverSands Casino offers a diverse range of games, from slots to table games.
3. Does SilverSands Casino have a license?
Yes, SilverSands Casino operates with a license from the Kahnawake Gaming Commission.
4. What kind of bonuses does SilverSands Casino offer?
SilverSands Casino offers various bonuses, including Welcome and No Deposit Bonuses, and recurring deals and offers.
5. What currencies does SilverSands Casino accept?
SilverSands Casino accepts a variety of currencies, including Rands, Pounds, and Euros.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
SilverSands Online Casino: Is it secure and safe?
Yes, SilverSands uses a Random Number Generator (RNG) and cutting-edge SSL encryption technology to guarantee the security and integrity of its games.
Can I use my mobile device to play at SilverSands Online Casino?
Absolutely! With SilverSands’ complete mobile optimisation, you can play your favourite games on Android, iOS, and Windows phones and tablets.
Which games are available at SilverSands Online Casino?
Slot machines, table games, video poker, and live casino games are just a few of the many games available at SilverSands.
What methods of deposit and withdrawal are offered by SilverSands Online Casino?
For a hassle-free gaming experience, SilverSands accepts a number of deposit and withdrawal methods, including bank transfers, e-wallets, and credit cards.
Is there customer service at SilverSands Online Casino?
Yes, SilverSands offers first-rate customer service via email, live chat, and a detailed FAQ section on their website.
New Promotions:
First Deposit
You can put in up to R1888 and get a 100% bonus worth up to R1888 for free if you use the code SIGNUP100.
Second Deposit
You can put in up to R4000 and get a 75% bonus of up to R3000 for free if you use the code SIGNUP75.
Third Deposit
You can deposit up to R8000 and get a 50% bonus up to R4000 for free if you use the code SIGNUP50.
We're happy to offer the Thunder Thursday Promotion every Thursday. On this day, Silver Sands Casino gives each player a coupon that can be used to get a bonus on their deposits.*
Use the coupon code THTH30 to get a 30% bonus on your deposit, up to a maximum of R3000.
No deposit is needed to get R200 for free.
*Use the coupon code ZAR200FREE to get your R200 for free!
When you use Skrill to make a deposit, you can get a 100% bonus up to R10000 and 50 free spins on Storm Lords. Use coupon code "SKRILL100" (The coupon code only works if you deposit with Skrill).
You can take advantage of our Monday Cash Back day. Every Monday, if you deposit at least R1,000, you can get up to 40% back on all of your deposits made from 00:00 to 23:59.
We're happy to offer the Crazy Wednesday Promotion every Wednesday. On this day, Silver Sands Casino gives each player two coupons that can be used to get a bonus on their deposits.
* 35% of the amount of your deposit, up to a maximum of R7,000
* Up to R800, or 40% of your deposit.
Get Amazing Bonus Offers by Mail Every Week! Every Friday, we'll send you our weekly newsletter, which is full of great bonuses and prizes that will help you play longer and win more.
With our amazing new Slots Tournaments, you can play slots against other players. The top players who get the most Points win prizes that are worth money.
Silver Sands Casino will give you 100% cash back on your first deposit of R200, R500, or R1,000.
With our amazing new NEW SIGNUP PROMO 2023, 2023
200% First Deposit Bonus Deposit at least R50 and get a 200% bonus up to R1,000.
Coupon Code: SIGNUP200
T&C applies.
Each player can use this offer once.
Wagering x30
Exclusive Promotions
Join a monster adventure to unearth precious jewels in our newest game Goblins: Gluttony of Gems.
All new players can get 88 Free Spins on Goblins using coupon code 88GOBLINS
Wagering is set to 60 times the amount obtained from the free spins
Maximum cash out is set to R600
Standard T&C Apply
Deposit R50 or more up to R500 and get a 200% signup bonus up to R1,000!
Use Coupon Code : BONUS200
This offer can be redeemed once per player.
Wagering is set at 30 times the deposit plus bonus.
No maximum cash out.
Standard T&C Apply
Contact Us
A Decade of Excellence: SilverSands Casino
Celebrating over ten years of operation, SilverSands Casino has firmly established itself as a reputable online gambling platform in South Africa.
The Foundation of SilverSands Casino
The Robust Platform: Real Time Gaming Software
SilverSands Casino operates on the esteemed Real Time Gaming software, offering a robust platform that provides a seamless gaming experience and fosters player trust and loyalty.
Call Us
0 8000 SANDS / 0800 983 741
Payment Methods
Licensing and Legitimacy: The Kahnawake Gaming Commission
SilverSands Casino operates with a license from the Kahnawake Gaming Commission, ensuring legitimacy and fair practices for all players.
Game Selection at SilverSands Casino
Diversity of Games
The varied game selection at SilverSands Casino caters to a wide range of player tastes and preferences, from slots to table games.
Unmatched Graphics and Payout Percentages
The impressive graphics and favorable payout percentages provide an immersive gaming experience that rivals traditional brick-and-mortar casinos.
Commitment to Responsible Gambling
Promoting Responsible Gambling Practices
SilverSands Casino promotes responsible gambling, implementing measures and resources to prevent gambling-related problems and ensure customer well-being.
Exciting Bonuses and Promotions
Welcome and No Deposit Bonuses
SilverSands Casino offers enticing bonuses to both new and existing players, including a No Deposit Bonus allowing new players to test out games without risking their own money.
Recurring Deals and Offers
Additionally, SilverSands Casino regularly updates their promotions, rewarding player loyalty and engagement with daily, weekly, and Facebook promotions.
Exceptional Customer Support at SilverSands Casino
Skilled and Efficient Support Staff
All support staff at SilverSands Casino are based in South Africa, distinguishing the platform from other online casinos. They are committed to providing players the help they need to fully enjoy their gaming experience.
Round-the-Clock Live Chat Feature
The live chat feature is available 24/7, providing immediate help when needed.
Toll-Free Customer Support
To further assist players, SilverSands Casino provides a convenient 0800 toll-free hotline, offering round-the-clock service.
Versatile Payment Options at SilverSands Casino
Multiple Accepted Currencies
SilverSands Casino caters to its diverse player base by accepting a variety of currencies, including Rands, Pounds, and Euros. This inclusivity allows players from different regions to enjoy the gaming experience.
SilverSands Casino, with its decade-long operation, stands as a trusted online gambling platform in South Africa. It delivers a superior gaming experience, promotes responsible gambling, offers exciting bonuses, provides exceptional customer support, and ensures versatile payment options.
1. What software does SilverSands Casino use?
SilverSands Casino operates on the esteemed Real Time Gaming software.
2. What types of games can I play at SilverSands Casino?
SilverSands Casino offers a variety of games, including slots and table games.
3. Is SilverSands Casino licensed?
Yes, SilverSands Casino operates with a license from the Kahnawake Gaming Commission.
4. What bonuses does SilverSands Casino offer?
SilverSands Casino offers a variety of bonuses, including Welcome and No Deposit Bonuses, as well as daily, weekly, and Facebook promotions.
5. What currencies are accepted at SilverSands Casino?
SilverSands Casino accepts several currencies, including Rands, Pounds, and Euros.